
February 16, 2023 at 11:10 am (Uncategorized)

Around 2001, I was briefly a part of the Toronto IWW branch. I went to that year’s IWW convention in Boston just a few weeks before 9/11.

A friend in Boston who shared a related council communist perspective persuaded me to join the IWW and work together; not as an “entrist” tendency, but as co-thinkers in a milieu in which we were broadly, very broadly, sympathetic. I did join, but my friend quit within a month. He was extremely shaken by 9/11 and abandoned the milieu altogether.

I stuck around for a few months, and while I respected some of the things the group did, it wasn’t where I was at the time. During those months, the Toronto branch, well me, published a little eight-page newsletter called Unsettled. Four issues appeared along with a leaflet for Labour Day before I moved on.

The newsletter wasn’t exceptional, but I do still like the title. Maybe something to use again one day (someone else is using Red & Black Notes)

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